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About Us

A message from Natalie

(Creator of Tweak Cosmetica)
Tweak Cosmetica aka Tweak was created in my little studio, where I worked as a lash tech, lifting ladies lashes around Adelaide. Tweak didn't initially start out as a brand, I knew nothing about starting an e-commerce business, all I knew is that my clients were constantly asking for a lash growth serum, and I wanted to be the one to give the product to them.

I had done some research on other brands, however, they were either too expensive or ineffective. This is where I enlisted the help of a manufacturer to help me create an amazing product, that was accessible by everyone.

This is where Tweak began, however, at this stage, Tweak wasn't Tweak, we were still unnamed. I trialed the lash growth serum that we currently have for over a year, also getting my friends and families to give it a go. During this process, I began getting my branding organised, all while still having no idea what I was doing or what my plan was for the future.

When talking with a client I used the word "tweak" when I was explaining what we could do, and once it left my mouth, I knew that’s what I wanted my brands' name to be. I quickly did a google search, and to my shock and excitement, no one had snapped up the name.

Soon after releasing my lash growth serum and seeing the response it received, I realised that I wanted to continue to grow and create a brand that created simple, fun, and effective beauty and skincare products for like-minded people. I have to say, it wasn’t a smooth ride, and still experience a lot of trial and errors, with many hurdles to this day, however, it is the BEST thing I have ever done.

Tweak Cosmetica, is a fun, bright, cool, sassy brand, that doesn’t take ourselves too seriously, and we connect with like-minded people around the world.
Creating Tweak has been the most amazing, challenging, time-consuming, incredible experience for me. From the initial product development to where we are now, I feel so excited about the direction that Tweak is heading. I have loved every second of it and I have learned so much along the way.

My clients and customers can always trust that Tweak and the products I create are of quality and are developed because they are things that I have wanted and needed in my own self-care routine. I constantly talk to my customers and value their feedback, and this goes into how we approach either improving current products or creating new products.

My goal for Tweak is to create products that not only work physically but also make everyone feel amazing. Tweak Cosmetica is going to “tweak” and enhance who you already are, we're not into the business of changing you, we want you to feel confident in your natural self.

Please enjoy all of our products, and continue to connect with us. I love to hear from you and reply to every Direct Message that comes through social media.
Thank you for your continued support,
Lots of love,

Natalie xx


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